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Ocean forcing of Iberian Precipitation variability and Marine Ecosystem Response to Anthropogenic CO2
Contributions to:
EGU General Assembly 2017
Vienna, Austria, 23-28 April 2017.

A speleothem record of climate of the last millennium in Southeast Spain
Campa Celia, Vadillo Iñaki, Muñoz Arsenio, Pisonero Jorge, and Stoll Heather

Benthic foraminiferal faunal and geochemical proxies as tracers for paleoenvironmental and paleoceanographic changes in the western Mediterranean over the last 24 ka
Pérez-Asensio, J. N., Cacho, I., Frigola, J., Pena, L. D., Sierro, F. J., Asioli, A., Kuhlmann, J. y Huhn, K.

High resolution geochemical proxy record of the last 600yr in a speleothem from the northwest Iberian Peninsula
Miguel Iglesias González, Jorge Pisonero, Hai Cheng, R. Lawrence Edwards, and Heather Stoll.

Evaluating the cave carbonate chemical signal as a proxy for rain patterns in Mallorca Island
Cacho, I., Cisneros, M., Torner, J., Català, A., Moreno, A., Stoll, H., Iglesias, M., Bladé, I. & Fornós, J.
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