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EGU highlights

Isabel Cacho

I was surprised with...

The extremely abruptness of the YD termination: Major atmospheric change in just ONE year!

Carlos Pérez

I think that...

It's crucial the understanding of AMOC mechanism and how it responds to abrupt events, so it was really interesting discover the evolution of our knowledge from the older-easier interpretations to more modern paradigms

Mercè Cisneros

I do not stop being surprised about...

The variety of archives that are being used to reconstruct the climate of the past: “Regime shifts in the Arctic North Atlantic during the Neoglacial revealed by seabirds and precipitation isotopes on Bjornoya, Svalvard”

Judit Torner

I learned about...

Black Carbon (BC) concept. It is the most strongly light-absorbing component of particulate matter in the atmosphere. BC have a strong influence in the cloud formation and therefore in the global mean precipitation

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José Noel Pérez-Asensio

I found out how...

Most of the climatic models have to be modified (several times) after comparison with paleo-proxy data in order to reproduce the same natural processes recorded by paleo-proxy data

Miguel Iglesias

For me, the high point of the whole congress has been...

The oral of Paul Andrew Mayewski (Hans Oeschger Medal Lecture), with his opinion about a drastic evolution of future climate (similar to the DO / Hr) because of the alteration that humans are currently causing, a climate process unprecedented in an interglacial phase

Ana Moreno

I found very useful for our research on speleothems of last 2000 years the talk given by Faust about...

NAO reconstruction with a very simple proxy, that is, the amount of Ca measured by XRF core scanner in marine sediments (from the Nordic Seas). He demonstrate a close mechanistic connection with NAO (more precipitation, more nutrients input, more productivity, more carbonate)

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