1st OPERA meeting

Opera team has been gathered from 3rd to 5th of June at University of Barcelona to examine the work done in the first year of the project and develop future research lines. During these days, we had an intense scientific exchange according to our multidisciplinary team and we enjoyed greatly with several trainings and workshops as well.
The meeting was focused chiefly in continental records, although we also discussed about marine records. The collection data from different speleothems along Iberia will enable us to reconstruct climate variability during the Holocene, the last glaciation and even the last interglacial period. One strength is the database of d18O and dD from rain obtained every rainfall event in the studied areas since 2008. This database, pioneering in Spain, allows us to trace the path of the isotopic signal from the atmosphere to the cave. Relationships between d18O values of rainfall, the synoptic pattern, the origin of air masses, and possible local orographic influence are points in which we are working now.